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Each Iraqi individual concerning about computers In and outside Iraq has the right to join the society.

The membership in the society is according to the following levels:

A. First level-Fellow
The senior member who is nominated to move to the fellow level, has to pass the tests according to the interior regulation of the society, he has to be nominated by two members who are in the fellow level, he also should have not less than (15) years experiment in the field of computers and information technology,(5) years of them in a responsibility position.

B. Second level-Senior member
He should pass the tests according to the interior regulation of the society, and to be nominated by a fellow and senior member, he should have an experiment of not less than (10) years in computers and information technology.

C. Third level-Member
He should pass the tests according to the interior regulation of the society, and to be nominated by two higher level members, should have an experiment of not less than (5) years in computers and information technology.

D. Fourth level- Partner member
His age should not be less than (21) years and should have an experiment of not less than (2) years in computers and information technology.

E. Student
He should not be less than (18) years old.

F. Honorary membership:
This membership is given to the individual who have present services to the society, or those who can be useful to the society because of their scientific and social position in the society, this membership is to be given with the expectance of the conditions that are followed in Article (5) of this law, and it is given according to the nomination of the administrational corps and agreement of the general corps, the honorary should not be more than 10% of the members.

First: The study years (minimum period) to get the degree in computers and information technology is considered as an experiment years for the perposes of naming the level, those who hold degrees in computers and information technology are obliterated from the condition of passing the tests in the beginning of their joining the society, but they should pass those test when they want to move to higher levels.

Second: It is not allowed to move from a certain level to the one that follows it before spending a period of not less than (3) years in the less level.

Membership cessation-The membership is to be extinct in the following cases:
A. When the member resigns or fired.
B. Death.
C. Losing one of joining the society conditions.

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