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NETmundial 2014
Brazil hosts NETmundial – Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance.
ICANN 49 Singapore
ICANN meetings are held three times each year in different regions of the globe.
WAVE will be holding a meeting from the 12th till the 14th of March 2014, in Istanbul, Turkey
This meeting will comprise all the old WAVE members as well as the new CSO members who have recently joined WAVE. The event constitutes one year since the official launching of WAVE and will be an opportunity for the old and new members to interact and get to know each other. The meeting will also include discussions of WAVE business plan and activities as well as capacity building workshops for old and new members.
الاجتماع الاقليمي الثاني للتحالف العربي للإنترنت
تنظم المنظمة العربية للمعلوماتية والاتصالات (إجمع) في يومي 28 شباط/فبراير و 1 اذار/مارس في العاصمة اللبنانية بيروت الاجتماع الاقليمي الثاني للتحالف العربي للإنترنت (نبذة عن التحالف ادناه) ضمن اطار برنامج حماية قوانين النفاذ للإنترنت (حـقـنا)
The Second Internet Freedom Regional Meeting in Beirut
As part of the Arab Internet Freedom Initiative “Haquna”, The Arab Internet Freedom Coalition will hold its second Regional Meeting in Beirut on February the 28th and March 1st from 10:00 am – 5:30 pm at Hotel Rotana Arjaan-Raouche.
The Global Mobile Awards
The Global Mobile Awards uniquely offer organizations the opportunity to showcase the latest mobile products, services and initiatives to the world.
eLearning Africa 2014
eLearning Africa 2014 is to take place in Kampala, Uganda, from 28th – 30th May 2014! Famously called “the Pearl of Africa”
Internet Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill
The i2Coalition proudly announces our Internet Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, February 27 to educate lawmakers about how the Internet works.
South Africa hosts World IT and Services Alliance board meeting
The world's foremost alliance of national information and communication technology (ICT) industry associations rolled into Johannesburg the last weekend of October. That's because the World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) conducted its board meeting in this country, hosted by the South African Information Technology Association (ITA).