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The 6th ICT Security Forum

The 6th ICT Security Forum will be held Under the patronage of H.E. Dr. Imad Al Sabouni, the Syrian Minister of Communications & Technology in cooperation with Syrian Computer Society (SCS) on July 12 -13, 2010, at Four Seasons Hotel - Damascus- Syria.

  From 12/10/2010 to 13/10/2010
  Place Four Seasons Hotel, Damscus - Syria

The 6th ICT Security Forum

The 5th Forum aims on diffusing the awareness of how important is information security, discussing all issues related to the security of information and IT systems, exposes the emerging threats to networks and IT systems and ways of implementing security measures, highlight the importance of human factor in the security of ICT systems, shows the importance of information security management availability and the legal dimension of information security, demonstrate  up-to-data technology and applications related to ICT security. The Forum will give a chance f bringing together experts, specialists and decision makers to discuss challenges and exchange ideas and expertise

Forum main Topics:

- Data Protection and Encryption

- Security and Privacy

- Prevention of Electronic Crimes

- Response Centers for Computer Emergency

- Standards and Evaluation of Information Security

- E-Commerce and Security of Banking Information System s

- Identity and Access management of IT Systems

- Case Studies of Successful Government IS projects

- Social Effect of Information Security

- Wireless Communication and Mobile Security

Accompanying activities:

A workshop: will be on 11/10/2010, at Four Seasons - Damascus. Topics taking place at the workshop include:

- Massive lawful interception

- new security trends

- GSM localization

- VSAT Interception

- Skype interception

- Intelligent Jamming

- Face Recognition

- Mobile Forensic

- Date Forensic


On parallel to the Forum’s lectures, an exhibition in which many local and international parties will display the most up-to-date products and technologies related to ICT Security and particularly those in the area of Networking, Mobile & Wireless Communication, Banking, Internet Application Service Providers, and several Equipments and IT Security System.

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